Madras Agricultural Journal
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Studies on Developing Races of Trichogramma australicum Girault Suitable for High Temperature - Low Humidity Conditions


                                Strains of Trichogramme australicum with tolerance to high temperatures (32-35 °C) could not be selected from heterogenous population of the parasite developed by inter- breeding cultures obtained from Ambajipet, Cuddalore. Delhi, Lucknow, Ludhiana and Mandys. The Ludhiana, Delhi and Ambajipet cultures were relatively more tolerant to high temperature (35° C)-low humidity (10% RH). Significant improvements in adult emer- gence, fecundity and progeny production were attained after rearing the Ludhiana and Delhi cultures for 32-33 generations at progessively increasing temperatures from 300 to 330 C and docrossing humidities from 60 to 10

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