Madras Agricultural Journal
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Attendant Changes in the Microflora of Rice Field Soil as Influenced by the Application of Granular Insecticides


                                The influence of six granular insecticides, viz. diazinon, cytrolane. Carbofuran, carbaryl+lindane, quinalphos and Dursban on the quantitative changes in the microbial population of rice field soils was studied. When applied at recommended doses (1.5 kg a-l/ha) there was no deleterious effect on the fungal population due to the, insecticides. Among the different insecticides, there was no significant difference in respect of thoir influence on the microbial population. The same inference held true with actinomycetes. Howover, the bacterial population underwent a significant fail due to the insecticidal application. When the activities of soil enzymes like phosphatase, B-glucosidase and invertase were determined following the insecticidal application. B-glucosidase alone was significantly inhibited and other enzymes recorded no change.

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