Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of Certain Herbicides on White Horsenettle (Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav.) under Potted Conditions


                                Two pot culture experiments were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of high doses of different herbicides in the control of White horsenettle. Tordon 22K. in combination with either bromacil or 2,4-D and San H. 9789 completely prevented the establishment of the root cuttings in the experiment where herbicides were applied as pre-emergence spray. In others the reduction in establishment was more than 90 per cent. In the other experiment, Tordon 22K and San H. 9789 completely destroyed the weeds as post-emer- gence spray to the established weeds. The weed control ranged from 23 to 77 per cent in the rest of the treatments.

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