Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of Herbicides in the Control of White Horsenettle (Solanum elaeagnifolium Cav.)


                                Five herbicides, viz. 2.4-D, bromacil, pictoram, San H. 9789 and dicamba were tried individually and in different combinations, 2,4-D at 2.0 kg a.i./hs and dicamba at 5.0 kg a.i./ha controlled the weed for 30 days and picloram at 5.0 kg a.i./ha for six months. Bromacil at 20.0 kg a.../ha gave complete weed-free condition one and a half years after the application. San H. 9789 at 20.0 kg a.i./ha although affected the mor- phology and physiology of the weed, complete weed-free condition was not obtained, Coimbnation of bromacil and picloram was more advantageous for allround control of white horsenettie.

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