Madras Agricultural Journal
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Varietal Tolerance in Wheat to a Selective Herbicide, Dosanex


                                Of the twentyfive varieties of wheat studied for tolerance to Dosanex 80 WF (Metoxuron), four varieties, viz.. HD 1925. HD 1949, HD 7717 and HD 9747 showed goo tolerance upto a dose of 6 kg/ha. The most susceptible varieties were WP 333 and HD 1944 which expressed early toxicity, while progressive toxicity was noted with WG 377 and WC 357 even at 2 kg/ha dose. All the other varieties had total tolerance or showed toxicity upto 5 per cent level for the first 15 days after application at 2 kg/ha dose of the herbi cide. Weed control was quite satisfactory even at 2 kg/ha. Local variety, Samba shower good tolerance upto 4 kg/ha. 2-4 D 80 WP at 2 kg/ha did not cause any phytotoxicity.

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