Madras Agricultural Journal
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Combination Treatments for the Control of Virus Vector, Nematodes, Fungal and Viral Diseases of Tomato


                                Two field experiments were conducted during 1975 to evolve a suitable combination treatment of insecticide and fungicide against virus vector, nematode and fungal diseases. Statistical scrutiny of pooled data of both the experiments revealed that drenching the nursery with dexon 0.025 per cent 15 days after sowing, application of aldicarb granule at 1.0 kg ../ha after 7 days of transplanting followed by dithane M-45 0.2 per cent spray at 30 days after transplanting and dithane-+-endosulfan 0.07 per cent at 45 and 60 days after transplanting was very effective. The efficacy of different combination treat- ments on the control of pests and diseases, as well their influence on the yield are discussed.

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