Madras Agricultural Journal
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Control of Rice Leafhopper, Nephotettix virescens (Dist.) with Insecticides in three Methods of Application


                                Two field experiments were conducted during 1972-73 and 1973-74 to test the efficacy of twelve insecticides as foliar sprays against rice leafhopper, Nephotettix virescen (Dist). Fenitrothion (0.05%). monocrotophos (0.10%), parathion (0.5%), dicrotophos (0.5%). and orthone (0.30%) were found to be more toxic to the leafhopper. Two field experiments, one for seed treatment and the other for seedling root dip treatment with systemic insecticides were also conducted for the control of the post during 1973-74. In both sead and seedling root dip treatments, methyl demeton (0.005%) and orthene (0.30%) were highly effective.

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