Madras Agricultural Journal
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Availability of Zinc in Soils Treated with Different Sources of Zinc, Nitrogen and Varying Levels of Phosphate-Soil Incubation Study


                                A soll incubation experiment was carried out to study the availability of Zn in two different soils of varying texture treated with different Zn and N sources at various levels of Phosphate. Availability of Zn was highest under Zn-Chelate and least under Zn-dust. In general, per cent availability of applied Zn in all sources was higher in clayey soil of Ganpatpura than in loamy sand of Anand at both the incubation periods. Addition of phosphate significantly decreased the availability of Zn in both the soils. Application of Urea and Sodium nitrato did not decrease the availability of Zn compared with ammonium sulphate.

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