Madras Agricultural Journal
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Residual Effect of Simazine on Succeeding Crops


                                Persistence of simazine when applied to forage maize crop, at 1 kg a.i/ha and its effect on the succeeding crop has been studied. Even sixmonths after the application, the percentage of mortality of crops after sowing was 91. 75, 26, and 0 in pearl millet., sorghum, finger millet and maize respectively. In plots nine months after application. the mortality of plants after sowing was as high as 57.5 per cent in little millet. followed by common millet (30). Sesamum and castor (39), sunflower (36), Italian millet (30-33), pulses (1-21) and cotton (9). The persistence of simazine elimi- nated 54 to 78 per cent dicot weeds but this helped in the increase of monocot weeds.

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