Madras Agricultural Journal
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Antibacterial Property of Chloroform Extracts of Plants Against Pathogens of Mulberry Silkworm, Bombyx mori L.


                                Mulberry silkworm, Bombyx mori L. domesticated for more than 5000 years is highly susceptible to diseases and adverse environmental conditions. Hence, it is appropriate to use plant products, which have been well proved for their antimicrobial properties. Among the various diseases affecting B. mori, bacterial pathogens alone inflict loss to the tune of 70 per cent. Hence, in vitro and in vivo studies were conducted for the management of bacterial pathogens with chloroform extracts of plants, viz., Thuja orientalis (L), Aegle marmelos and Asparagus gonoclados (Baker) along with standard antibiotics. The plant extracts were tested against pathogenic forms of bacteria, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus thuringiensis infecting the commercially exploited silkworm breeds, PM x CSR2 and CSR2 x CSR4. The plant products not only reduced the rate of disease incidence but also enhanced the economic parameters, viz., larval weight, cocoon weight, shell weight and shell ratio.

Key words : Bombyx mori, Bacterial pathogens, Plant extracts, Antibacterial property, Enhanced economic parameters.


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