Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of Fertilizer Doses and Varietal Variations on Soil Constituents, Nutrient Uptake and Yield of Rice Varieties


                                Effects of incremental doses of fertilizer were seen in available nitrogen content than in the other constituents. Growth characters were found to increase with increase in nitrogen doses except in number of grains per ear as well as in 1000 grain weight. The dose 200 kg nitrogen/ha has contributed much to increase in grain yield. There appeared to be a gradual increase in uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium with increase in nitrogen levels. The influence of varietal variation was not seen in soil constituents, but only in growth characters. Jaya and IR. 8 recorded a greater height than Padma. Jaya showed higher number of effective tillers than IR. 8. In ear length and number of grains per ear, IP. 8 surpassed the variety Jaya, but in 1000 grain weight both of them were on par. No varietal variation was seen in uptake of nitrogen. Varieties IR, 8 and Jaya behaved more or less in a similar manner in the matter of uptake of phosphorus and potassium.

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