Madras Agricultural Journal
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Co. 3 Greengram - A New Short Duration Strain for Drylands


                                A short duration and high yielding variety of greengram (Vigna radiata (L.) Wil- azek) with compact plant type suitable for rainfed culture was evolved and released as Co.3 variety through pure-line selection. It matures in 65 to 75 days as against 90- 100 days in Co.1. The strain Co.3 records a mean yield of 6.79 0/ha under rain- fed conditions which is an increase of 15 per cent over Co. 1 and 29 per cent over Co.2. The per day productivity of Co.3 is 9.7 kg/ha as against 8.0 and 6.2 kg/ha record- ed by Co.2 and Co.1 respectively.

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