Madras Agricultural Journal
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Investigations on the Insecticidal Control of the Phyllody Disease of Sesamum


                                Field trials with insecticides were conducted for the control of the phyllody disease of sesamum. No significant control of the disease was obtained with granular insecticides applied in soil. Five spray applications of sevithion (carbaryl 40 per cent+ methyl parathion 10 per cent) at 1 kg of the product per ha or monocrotophos 0.025% were found to be significantly superior to sprays of dimethoate 0.05% methyl demeton 0.025% fenthion 0.1% and endosulfan 0.07% A heavy build up of aphids (Aphis gossypii G.) was however, experienced in the Sevithion treated plots towards the late stage of the crop causing substantial loss in yield. Sevithion, monocrotophos and endosulfan were the best for affording protection from the shoot webber-cum-capsule borer. Significantly higher yield was obtained with monocrotophos.

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