Madras Agricultural Journal
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Studies on Crossability of Wheat with Rye


                                The crassability of eight wheat varieties (four each of hexaploid and tetraploid wheats) with six diplaid rye varieties of diverse geographic origin, was studied. Among the eight wheat parents. Sharbati Sonora and H-132-4 among hexaploids and 3-2 and S, C among tetraploids were found to have high crossability with rye varieties. In general, the seed set in hexaploid wheat x rye crosses was low but the germination percentages were higher. The reverse was the case in tetraploid wheat x rye crosses. Wherever Russian rye was involved as a male parent. the seed set was high in tetraploid wheat combinations. The differential behaviour of the varieties with regard to seed setting and germination could be attributed to the differential genetic back-grounds.

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