Madras Agricultural Journal
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Utilization of Extra Money Obtained by Growing High Yielding Varietics of Paddy


                                Big farmers invested 36.09 per cent of the extra money for the improvement of agriculture whereas medium farmers utilised 44.4 per cont. For the maintenance of house 8.18 per cent of extra money was utilised by big farmers but 13.45 per cent was utilised by medium farmers. For luxury items 2.27 per cent of the big far- mers, extra money was used, whereas 3.10 per cent of medium farmer's money was spent for this item. The big farmers spant 36.77 per cent of the extra money in family expenditure like marriage. litigation etc., whereas the medium farmers spent only 14.51 per cent. To clear the debt big farmers used 11.57 per cent of the extra money, whereas 24.54 per cent was used by the medium farmers,

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