Madras Agricultural Journal
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Studies on Varietal cum - Manurial Responses on the Incidence of Paddy Stem - Borer (Try pory za incertulas Wik)


                                The experiment on the relationship between paddy stem-borer incidence and diffe- ent levels of nitrogen application on high yielding varieties of paddy demonstrated that the increase in the nitrogen level invariably resulted in increase in the stem-borer infestation. However, this corresponding increase of infestation did not counteract the yield potentials of the varieties, which, in fact, rose up with increase in the nitrogen level to 150 Kg N/ha. At 200 Kg N/ha, the yield did not increase and remained on par with that of 150 Kg N/ha. Amongst the varieties IR 20 and Vijaya recorded mini- mum infestation of paddy stem borer at all levels of nitrogen application while IR 8 was found to be the most susceptible strain.

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