Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of Certain Insecticides and Fungicides on the Growth of the Coffee Green Bug Fungus, Cephalosoprium lecanii Zimm,


                                The effect of twelve insecticides and four fungicides each at three concentrations was investigated under laboratory conditions on the vegetative growth of the fungus Cephalosporium lecanii. Among the insecticides tested dichlorvos reduced the growth drastically by 95.4. 99.8 and 100.0% at low, medium and high concen- trations respectively. Carbaryl, monocrotophos. malathion and and in were also found to inhibit the growth greatly. Ethyl parathion, BHC and dimethoate were less destructive and acophate. DDT and phosphomidan caused the least in- hibition. Among the fungicides Bordeaux mixture, Dithane M 45 and Dithane Z 78 inhibited the growth by 75.1-77. 8%. When all the concentrations were considered together while sulphur was found to be least inhibitory (7.6%). Greater inhibition was found at higher concentration than at lower concentrations of the chemical.

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