Madras Agricultural Journal
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Levels and Time of Nitrogen Application in Rainfed Pearl Millet (Pennise tumtyphoides)


                                An attempt was made to sconomise the use of N in pearl millet production under rainfed conditions. Nitrogen applied at 40 and 80 Kg/ha yielded 2 to 2.5 times higher grain over no N application. Under sub-optimal and higher rainfall years. 40 Kg N/ha was as effective as 80 Kg N/ha in increasing grain yields especially in the event of early stage drought. A level of 40 Kg N/ha applied half as basal and another half during third/ fourth week after planting proved economical for hybrid pearl millet. Withholding the second spilt of N in the event of early-stage prolonged drought leading to crop failuro also saved 50 per cent N. Application at or beyond sixth week of crop growth stage added to stalk yields only.

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