Madras Agricultural Journal
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Varietal Response of Rice to Nitrogen


                                Six medium duration dwart indica rice varieties viz. IR 20, IR 22, R. P. 5-3 (Sona). Co. 36 and tall Indica varieties Co. 32 and Bhavani, were tested during kharif seasons of 1972-13 and 1973-74 at Bhavanisagar under five levels of N (80, 120, 160, 200 and 240 kg/ha). The pooled analysis showed that R. P. 5-3 recorded maximum grain yield followed by Co. 36 and IR 20 which were on per, recording a per day production of 46.4, 44.2 and 44,6 kg/ha respectively. 120 kg N/he recorded higher grain yield followed by 80 and 160 kg N/ha which were on par during 1973-74. IR 20 and R. P. 5-3 registered a quad. ratic trend while it was linear with Co. 36. Co. 32 recorded maximum straw yield followed by Bhavani, IR, 20, Co. 36 and R. P. 5-3 (Sona).

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