Madras Agricultural Journal
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Studies on the Influence of Herbicides on the Rhizosphere Microflora of Cotton


                                A field experiment was conducted to find out suitable herbicide for cotton and their effect on suit microflora. Alachlor (2.0 kg/ha), flusmeturon (1.5 kg/ha).dichlormate (3.0 kg/ha), dibatalin (2.5 kg/ha, diuron (1.0 kg/ha) and pre-sowing fluchloralin 11.25kg/ ba) were the chemicals used as pre emergence. The herbicides were also tested incombina tion with post-emergence directed application of paraquet. The study revealed that soil micrctiora were generally influenced by the above herbicides. particularly post- emergence spray of paraquat. Though the microbial population was high in many of the weed control treatments. it had no significant influence on crop growth, uptake of nutrient and yield of seed cotton. The different plant characters and seed cotton yield were not adversely affected by the differences in the microbial population due to the different weed control treatments.

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