Madras Agricultural Journal
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Evaluation of Soil Properties in Major Paddy Growing Soils of Thamirabarani Command Area, Tamil Nadu


                                Five major soils of Thamirabarani Command Area of Tamil Nadu having granite gneiss and alluvium parent material under paddy and banana land use were studied for their morphological characteristics, physical and chemical properties. The soils were neutral (6.6-7.3) to very strongly alkaline (>9), deep (100-150 cm) to very deep (>150cm) in depth with iso-hyperthermic and ustic soil moisture regimes. Texture, organic carbon, CEC of the soils ranged from sandy loam to clay, 0.15 to 0.80 per cent and 16 to 53 cmol (p+) kg-1, respectively. Soils were low to high in available nitrogen and phosphorus and medium to high in available potassium. Soils were classified as Vertic Haplustepts, Fluventic Haplustepts, Aquic Haplustalfs, Typic Haplustalfs and Vertic Haplustalfs.

Key words : Soil survey, Thamirabarani Command Area, Soil properties and classification


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