Madras Agricultural Journal
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Nitrogen Balance in Soil and Nutrients Status of Green Gram in Relation to Plant Population and Fertility Levels


                                The effect of two plant populations and six fertility levels on the nodulation. nitrogen content and its uptake by three varieties of green gram (Phaseolus aureus Roxb.) and nitrogen balance in soil was studied. The number of nodules increased till 30 days after sowing and thereafter their number declined. Thirty and 60 ke P0/ha signifi- cantly increased the number of nodules over control. Application of 20 tg N/ha reduced the nodule formation that was not affected by 10 kg N/ha. Variety 'Cott.70 had some what poor nodulation as compared to 'H-70-16 (Varsha). The total uptake of nitro- gen and its fixation was more with high plant population than the lower one. Appli- cation of nitrogen and phosphate increased the uptake of nitrogen by the crop and the fixation of nitrogen in soil over control. The nitrogen content in root, shoot. its totol uptake and protein content was the highest in Pusa Baisakhi but the highest nitrogen fixation (62.44 kg/ha) in soil was obtained with H-70-16 and lowest with 'Cott. 70 (13.56 kg/ha).

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