Madras Agricultural Journal
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Transformation of Phosphorus in Rice Soils Under Field Capacity and Flooded Conditions


                                The moisture regimes had a profound influence over the distribution of soil inor- ganic phosphorus and among the moisture regimes flooded condition was found to cause substantial effect on the reduction of ferric phosphate to ferrous form, hydrolysis of Al-P and release of occluded phosphates. Flooding had increased Fe-P. Al-P and dec-1 reased reductant soluble Fe-P. There was no change in Ca-P. Fe-P fraction as determined in airdried soils, in I and II stage samples, was found to correlate with the P uptake under flooded condition and it failed to produce any significant correlations in field capacity. The other fractions did not produce any significant correlation with P uptake under both the moisture conditions. This shows that Fe-P has played a key role in P availability in waterlogged soils.

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