Madras Agricultural Journal
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Statistical Assessment of Yield Loss of Sesamum Due to Insect Pests and Diseases


                                Field experiments were conducted during Monsoon 1976 and 1977 seasons to study the levels of incidence of pests and diseases on sesame (Sesamum indicum), the relationship of levels of incidence with yield loss due to pests and diseases. The avoidable loss in yield of sesame during monsoon 1976 and summer 1977 was 110 kg and 111 kg per hectare respectively which worked out to be 40 per cent of avoi- dable loss in sesame yield. The multiple regression analysis of yield on diseases liko phyllody, Alternaria blight. powdery mildew and charcoal rot and incidence of shoot webber attack revealed that the partial regression co-efficients of sesame yield on phyl- lody and charcoal rot diseases wore significant. One per cent increase in the incidence of charcoal rot disease brought down the sesame yield by 1.8 kg whereas that of phyllody disease reduced the sesame yield by 8.36 kg.

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