Madras Agricultural Journal
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Mean Performance, Correlation Coefficient and Path Coefficient Analysis for Yield and Yield Attributing Characters in F1 Population of Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.)


                                An investigation was carried out on evaluation of F1 population (eight hybrids and three open pollinated seedlings) of tuberose to assess the relationship between yield and yield contributing characters. From the data on mean performance, it could be inferred that three crosses Phule Rajani (P1) X Mexican Single (P7), Hyderabad Single (P4) X Phule Rajani (P1) and Hyderabad Single (P4) X Variegated Single (P2) recorded higher yield than the local check I (Nilakkottai Local) and commercial check II (Prajwal). An analysis of the association of various morphological traits through correlation showed that floret yield per plant was positive and significantly correlated with leaf length, rachis length, floret diameter, weight of single floret and number of florets per spike. Floret yield per plant imparted maximum positive direct effect on yield per m2 followed by rachis length, leaf width, floret diameter and floret length. Leaf length imparted maximum negative direct effect on yield per m2 followed by number of spikes per plant, weight of singlefloret, plant height, number of leaves and number of florets per spike.

Key words : Tuberose, F1 population, Mean performance, Correlation, Path analysis, Floret weight and yield


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