Madras Agricultural Journal
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Studies on the Effect of Nitrogen and Phosphorus on Chrysanthemum CV. Yellow (Chrysanthemum indicum, L.)*. I. Flowering and Yield


                                Investigations were undertaken to study the effect of N and P on the flowering of chrysanthemum CV. Yellow. Earliness in respect of flower bud appearance, lower opening and the time taken for flowering were observed with the plants under increased N and P levels. The highest levels of nitrogen (100 Kg/ha) increased the yield of flowers. The weight of hundred flowers was significantly increased by 100 Kg/ha in each of N and P. The size (diameter) of the flower and stalk length were significantly increased in plants receiving the highest levels of N and P. The keeping quality of the flowers was not affected by N and P levels for the first 24 hours but spoilage was concomitant with increase in N level and increased with march of time.

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