Madras Agricultural Journal
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Adoption Behaviour of Poultry Farmers


                                Poultry farming was started mainly to get additional income by a large number of farmers (84 per cent) and only eight per cent took up poultry for self-employment. Tho average time lag for the adoption of poultry farming was found to be 2-3 years. Out of the seven improved practices, three practices viz., maintenance of improved strain, feeding with balanced feed or prophylactic vaccination were found adopted by all the farmers studied. The adoption of other practices was found to vary between 52 to 92 per cent. With regard to the extent of adoption of these practices. 42 per cent adopted all the 7 practices. 22 per cent adopted six practices and 16 per cent each adopted five and four practices. So majority of the poultry farmers is adopting six practices and above. Lake of knowledge about the practices was the main reason for nonadoption of practices like debooking, culling and control of endo and ecto-parasites.

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