Madras Agricultural Journal
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Comparative Mutagenic Effects of Gamma Rays and Diethyl Sulphate in Bhendi (Abelmoschus esculentus L., Moench)


                                A study was undertaken to observe the induction of chlorophyll and viable mut- ents in bhondi with physical and chamical mutagens. Dry seeds were irradiated in 30-90 Krads of gamma rays and presoaked seeds were treated in 0.04 to 0.10 par cent dES. Wider spectrum of chlorophyll and viable mutants was observed with gamma rays than with DES. Of all the types of chlorophyll mutants virescent was the most common. xanthe was rare and albina was complotly absent. The frequency of chlorophyll mutants was more in the two first formed fruits. The majority of viable mutants comprised those affecting height, fruit length, and fertility of seeds. was induced by lower and middle doses. The variability in general was higher only in radiation treatments than chemical mutagen excepting for the number of fruits per plant.

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