p-ISSN: 0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol: 65, Issue: mar-mar,
A total number of 33.731 M, seedlings from 340 Mi plant progenies obtained through different doses of gamma irradiation and EMS treatments of dry and soaked seeds were studied in Ma generation. The mutation frequency was higher in EMS treatments than gamma rays. But pre-soaking the seeds prior to gamma irradiation enhanced the mutation rate. The mean segregation ratios were higher and also enhan ced the effectiveness and efficiency when the soaked seeds were treated with gamma irradiation. Gamma rays were found to be more effective than EMS and also efficient on the basis of injury. The occurence of chlorina and viridis mutants was frequent in all the treatments of gamma rays and EMS. Gamma irradiation of dry seeds induced a wide spectrum of all the four types of chlorophyll mutants viz., albina, viridis, chlorina and xantha.
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