Madras Agricultural Journal
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Development of Disease Resistant Pearl Millet (Pennisetum. typhoides) (Burm. f) Stapfand (C.E. Hubb)


                                In an attempt to broad high yielding and disease resistance cumbu vuricity, twenty five genotypes were screened for downy mildew resistance and crossed with 23 DA (a highly susceptible mele sterile line). The Fis were assessed for yeld and resistance to the disease. Among the cross combination involving a Nigerian type MS 625 with T230-A was found to combine resistance to downy mildew with high yield. A bulk population was derived from MS 7625 through limited inbreeding and subsequent increase through pan mixis. The resultant bulk was (UCVI) was tested in district trial. on the high yield with resistance to downy mildew as well as an escape mechanism for orgot incidonde the UCVI was released as CO. 8 cumbu variety for large scale coltivation.

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