Madras Agricultural Journal
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Tenai Co. 5- A High Yielding Rust Resistant Variety Suitable for Tamil Nadu


                                Tenai (fox-tail millet) variety Si 76/4 is a derivative from the cross between Co 1 and Japanese variety A 113/2. This selection has been found to be resistant to rust disease and has recorded a mean yield of 1049 kg/ha in the station trials which is an increase of 10.2 per cent over the mean yield of 952 kg/ha of Co 3. In the All India trials. Si 76/4 recorded an increased yield of 29.0 per cent over Co 3. having given a mean yield of 1268 kg/ha as against 900 kg/ha registered by Co 3. This was released as Co 5 by Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in 1979.

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