Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effects of Soil and Foliar application of Potassium on Gradewise and Total Yield of Potato


                                Effect of soil and foliar application of K_{2} 0 on potato yield was studied during rabi 1976-77 and 1977-78 as well as kharif 1977 and 1978 in red sandy foam soil. Compared to yields from rabi crops, higher yields were obtained from two kharif crops. Although the differences among treatments were non-significant, in- creases in yield were obtained due to application of K_{2} / 0 The highest yield (449.19 q/ha) was recorded when K_{2} 0 was applied at 100kg / h * a half of which was given as two foliar sprays (40 days after planting and 15 days thereafter) during kharif. 1978. Application of 50 kg K_{2} * 0 / h * a to the soil at planting +50 kg K pm 0 / h * a to the foliage in two sprays appeared to be superior to the other treatments. It was also observed that whenever the yields were high, higher proportions of large size tubers were recorded, and such situations could be seen during kharif seasons rather than in rabi seasons. Higher proportions of medium size tubers were obtained from the rabi crops.

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