Madras Agricultural Journal
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A New Barnyard Millet (Echinocloa frumentacea L.) Strain For Tamil Nadu


                                Kudiraivali (Barnyard millet Echinocloa frumentacea L.) variety PC. 49 is a selec- tion from Coimbatore local. This selection registered a mean yield of 1689 kg/ha in the station trials, which is 13.2 per cent higher than the yield of K.1. In the All India trials, it recorded a mean yield of 1337 kg/ha, 15.9 per cent higher than the yield of 1153 kg/ha of K.1. The selection was also found to be free from grain smut under field conditions. In view of its higher yield and smut resistance, this was released as a new strain Co. 1 for Tamil Nadu State.

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