Madras Agricultural Journal
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Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Short-duration Lowland Rice With Different Forms of Urea


                                An experiment on nitrogen use efficiency with different forms of urea was con- ducted with a short duration rice variety. Rasi (IET 1444), during summer 1978 at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University farm. Application of paper packed and mud ball urea in the reduced zone of rice soit recorded the maximum grain yield of 49.1 g/ha and 46.9 g/ha respectively. compared to 38.1 g/ha with untreated urea. The treated forms of urea were found to be 24 to 35 per cent more efficient than untreated urea. Reduced zone placement of urea and neem seed crush treated urca recorded higher N recovery and response ratio. The maximum not return was achieved with paper packed urea. followed by neem seed crush treated ures.

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