Madras Agricultural Journal
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Changes in the Physical Properties of Soil Due to the Growth of Greengram (phaseolus aureus Roxb.)


                                Greengram Co. 2 variety (Phaseolus aureus Roxb.) was grown in a red. sandy loam soil in circular earthern-ware pots with recommended doses of fertilizers. The soil samples collected from the root zone of the crop on 30th. 40th and 50th days of the crop growth were analysed for their physical properties viz.. (1) apparent density (absolute specific gravity. (iii) water holding capacity, (iv) percentage pore space. (v) aggregate stability and (vi) hydraulic conductivity. In general, the crop growth had a favourable influence on the soil in increasing pore space, water-holding capacity, aggregate stability and hydraulic con- ductivity. The second stage of the crop is found to be more favourable. The correlation coefficients among the soil parameters are also presented. The observed improvements in the physical properties have been explained in terms of the rhizosphere effect and the syn- thesis of microbial nalveancharides as the hindling materials

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