Madras Agricultural Journal
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Combining Ability in Sorghum


                                The nature and magnitude of combining ability effects in 36 crosses of Sorghum involving two male sterile lines with 18 pollinators were studied in respect of yield per plant and other yield contributing charecters. The estimate of variance due to g.c.a. of the male was higher in almost all the charectors, indicating there- by the involvement of additive gene action. The parent 906 was proved to be the best general combiner followed by T 8 B and T 22 for yield per plant. The combination msck 60 A x 906 had the highest s,c.a, effects for yield plant. The crosses, manifesting high s.c.a. effects involved low X high, high x high and low X low general combining parents which pointed out the dominant. additive and complementary type of gene action.

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