Madras Agricultural Journal
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Mapping of Available Nutrient Status of Thirunavalur Village, Villupuram district, Tamil Nadu using Geographic Information System


                                A study was conducted to assess the available nutrient status by using Geographic Information System (GIS) in Thirunavalur Village, Villupuram district, Tamil Nadu. One hundred and eleven samples from 0-20 cm depth at 300 x 300 m grid were collected from the study area and GPS coordinates were recorded using GPS Map 76CSx instrument. The soil samples were analysed for their fertility status and mapped by using GIS. The pH of the soil samples was neutral to strongly alkaline. The organic carbon content was low to medium. Available nitrogen was low, phosphorus was low to medium , available potassium was medium to high and sulphur was low. Regarding available micronutrients zinc, copper and manganese were deficient in these soils and iron was deficient to moderate.

Key words : Geographic Information System, Nutrient mapping, Soil fertility status


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