Madras Agricultural Journal
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Study of Pattern of Variation in Hybrids of Tall and Dwarf Indica Rice (Oryza sativa L.)


                                In order to study the pattern of variation in hybrids of Tall and Dwarf indica rice varieties, crosses were effected between the tall indica rice. CO. 29 and short stature with ideal plant type indica rice Dee-Geo-Woo-Gen, and F1 hybrids were raised and selfed. One of the F1 hybrids was selected at random and raised as F2 generation. Data on metric traits were collected in F1 hybrids. F2 populations and the parents studied. The correlations studied on different attributes and yield separately revealed that the size of grain. number of ear bearing tillers, plant height panicle length and number of spikelets/primary ear are highly correlated with yield.

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