Madras Agricultural Journal
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Impact of S.F.D.A. on the Adoption of Crop Technology by the Participant Small Farmers of South Arcot District


                                A study on the impact of S.F.D.A. on the adoption of crop teclinology by the participant small farmers of South Arcot district of Tamil Nadu revealed that the partici- pation in S.F.D.A. as borrower for sinking irrigation well or deepening the existing well had not resulted in the batter adoption of improved cultivation practices. Lack of know- ledge was one of the major reasons for the non-adoption of improved cultivation prac tices. literacy was a barrier in maintaining farm records. The S.F.D.A. should make spacial efforts in educating small farmers on crop technology. Since majority of them are illiterates the extension methods should necessarily include more of personal contact through farm and home visits. Promoting functional literacy will enable the small farmers to have farm appraisal by maintaining form records.

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