Madras Agricultural Journal
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Studies on Variability and Association of Characters in Tomato


                                The phenotypic and genotypic variability, heritability and association of characters were worked out in 55 tomato varieties. The results revealed that the varietal differences in respect of height of plant, number and spread of branches, girth of main stem. weight of fruit, number of fruits. ascorbic acid content, fruit firmness, locules, duration, yield. acidity and total soluble solids were significant. The genetic coefficient of variation was very high for ascorbic acid content followed by weight of fruit. Number of fruits. locules yield and plant height indicating high degree of genetic variability. The heritability estimates and genetic advance for yield components namely number and spread of branches. weight of fruit and number of fruits were high denoting their utility as reliable indices for selection. Yield was positively associated with spread and number of branches and weight of fruit.

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