Madras Agricultural Journal
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Impact of High Yielding Vartieties on Agricultural Labour in Madurai district.


                                A Study to evaluate the impact of cultivation of high yiniding varieties on demand for labour, wage structure. pattern of labour use and productivity of labour revealed that cultivation of high yielding varieties 1. Covered 36.99 per cent of the gross crop area of the sample farms. II. Created additional demand of 30 man days of labour per hectare. Ill. Increased the share of on-farm labour (i.e. family labour and attached labour) in total IV. Thus for, helped reduction in under-employment more than unemployment. V. In creased per capita earning of attached labour marginally (Rs. 3.23 against Rs. 2.96). VI. Increased number of days of active employment (184 days as against 170 man days), VII. Reduced disparity in wages earned by attached labourers and casual labourers and there by increased stability of the system of contract employment that offered security of job to farm workers. VIII. Increased average value produce of labour (Rs.14.33 against Rs. 12.08 per man day unit) by 18.63 per cent.

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