Madras Agricultural Journal
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Effect of Plant Population, Soil and Foliar Application of Major Nutrients on the Yield and Other Plant Characters of 'Suvin' Cotton (Gossypium barbadense Linn.)


                                Split plot experiment was conducted at Coimbatore, to determine the optimum spacing and best method of application of the recommended dose of NP and K (60, 30, 30 kg/ha) for obtaining maximum kapas yield in cotton variety. 'Suvin (G. barbadense L.). The foliar application of 10:5: 5 ka/ha of N P and K respectively at squaring, flowering and boll formation periods with 30:15:15 NPK as basal dose under 90 37 cm spacing gave the maximum kapas yield of 21.8 q/ha. Correlation studies showed that foliar application of major nutrients at critical phases of growth inhibits uneconomic trends in plant growth and improves the relationship between yield attributes. The direct and indirect effects of plant height, bol number and boll weight on kapas yield showed synergestic action based upon the methods of NPK application.

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