Madras Agricultural Journal
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Studies on Seed Maturation in Bhendi (Abelmoschus esculentus (L) Moench)


                                In the bhendi variety 'Pusa Sawani' the number of mature seeds per fruit ranged from 42 to 65. The seed moisture content which was about 85-90 per cent at the early stage of seed development got reduced to 19-24 per cent at seed maturity. The rate of reduction in seed moisture was maximum between 30-35 days. The dry weight of seeds was maximum on the 30th day. Seeds upto 10 days of development did not germinate and thereafter progressive increase in germination was observed. The seeds reached maximum vigour and germinability between 30-35 days of development when the fruits, developed cracks. At this stage, the fruits should be harvested for extraction of quality seeds.

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