Madras Agricultural Journal
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Chemical Weed Control in Okra (Abelmoshcus esculentus)


                                The study on weed control methods in Okra revealed that the persistance among the three chemicals was in the order of nitrofen, alachlor, prometryne. The treatment receiving prometryne 0.5 kg s.i/ha plus one hand weeding recorded an yield of 16900 kg of fruits/ha followed by prometryne 1.0 kg a.l/ha (16792 kg). farmers method (16240 kg) and nitrofen 2.0 kg plus one hand weeding (16355 kg). Prometryne 0.5 kg ai/ha ranked fifth with an yield of 15447 kg/ha. It is concluded that prometryne is the most economical and effective herbicide for Okra at a dose of 0.5 to 1.0 kg a.i ha as pre-emergence application. Combination of a hand weeding along with prome tryne is recommended in area where perennial weeds are also present. Till the avai lability of prometryne in the market farmars method of two hand weedings are recom mended for the present.

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