Madras Agricultural Journal
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Biometrical Studies of Certain Inter Varietal Crosses of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill)


                                In tomato, three intervarietal Fa crosses, namely, Co 2 x Pura Ruby, Co 2 x SL. 120 and SL, 120 x Pusa Ruby were investigated for two seasons (December to April, 1976-77 and June to October, 1977) taking into account seven quantitative characters: Plant height, earliness, number of fruiting clusters par plant. fruit weight, number of locules per fruit, number of fruits per plant and yield per plant. The study revealed that the cross SL. 120 x Pusa Ruby and the Sibs C.4. C.6, C.8 and C. 10 to be the most desirable based on the mean and variability.

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