Madras Agricultural Journal
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Influence of Nitrogen and Stages of Cutting on the Yield of Hybrid Napier Grass Varieties


                                Three varieties of hybrid Napier grass viz., NB-21, BN-2 and 1697 x p. p. were grown under three levels of N (0. 50 and 100 kg N/ha) and three stages of cutting (35, 40, and 45 days interval). In each stage three cuttings wore taken for this study. The rosulte of the study indicated that the variety 1697 x P. p. recorded the highest green metter yield. followed by BN-2 as compared to the ruling variety NB-21. BN-2 recorded the highest dry matter yield followed by 1697 x P. p as compared to NB-21. Cutting the grass at an interval of 45 days gave the highest green matter and dry matter yield. The high- ost green matter and dry matter yields were obtained with the application of 100 g N/ha over 50 kg N/ha and control. The dry matter content increased with maturity and decreased with N application.

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