Madras Agricultural Journal
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Path Coefficient Analysis in Hybrid Sorghum (CSH 5) Under Different Nitrogen Levels


                                An experiment was conducted to study the effect of graded levels of N on the yield attributes and yield of sorghnm (CSH. 5.) The association of the yield attributes on the grain yield was studied through simple correlations and path-coefficient analysis. The results revealed that the effect of the yield attributes viz.. ear length, grain number/ear, 1000 grain weight and leaf area index (LAI) was only 44% in the overall picture of N effect on the yield attributes and sorghum grain yield. But the effect was as high as 60 and 63% under 100 kg N/ha and 150 kg N/ha, respectively. Moreover, under unfertilized condition LAI had the major role in influencing the yield but under higher levels of N application ear length and LAI were important.

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