Madras Agricultural Journal
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Influence of Seed Size on Seed Quality of Sorghum


                                Five seed size classes of sorghum CSH 5 hybrid and its parents, CS 3541, ms 2077 A and 2077 8 were studied for the relative differences in seed quality. The 1000-seed weight, seed volume and specific gravity of seeds showed distinct and significant differences among seed sizes. The germination and field emergence potential of 10, 9 and 8 retained seeds were significantly higher than those from 7 and 5 retained seeds. The seedling vigour ass- essed by seedling growth measurements and dry matter estimation in plant parts and the vigour index values amply showed the superiority of the large and medium size seeds over the smaller ones. The study had revealed that the optimum sieve size is 8/64" round per- forated metal sieve for processing the seed lots of sorghum CSH 5 hybrid and its parental lines.

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