Madras Agricultural Journal
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The Effectiveness of Different Methods of Placement of Carbofuran at Root zone vs other Methods Against the Brown Planthopper, Nilaparvate lugens Stal in rice


                                Different methods viz., 'hole method', 'toilet paper method,, 'mud ball method' and 'capsulo method @ 2.0 kg. a. l/ha applied to the root zone of rice plants in micro field plots were compared with the conventional standing water application, insecticide incorporated into the soil and cuddled prior to planting and conventional root dips in 0.05% for their effectiveness and persistance against adults of brown planthopper (BPH). Placement of insecticide near the root zone by any of the four methods was more effective and persistant and was significantly superior to the other methods. Of the 4 methods of root zone placement, direct placement by hole method was significantly less persistent over the other three methods. The mud ball or toilet paper method being cheaper and feasible than the costly capsule method could be adopted with advantage for prolonged effectiveness. When considerable menace of BPH is faced right from transplanting, adoption of seedling root dip method should be adopted for effective protection for 15 days.

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