Madras Agricultural Journal
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A Study on Heterosis in Sesamum (Sesamum indicum L)


                                Heterosis for yield and three yield components, viz. capsules per plant, branches per plant and plant height was studied in 30 crosses involving six varieties of sesamum (Seas- mum indicum L.) Significant heterosis for yield was observed in 13 and 6 crosses over mid- and better parent respectively. The hybrid TS 15-72x Til black gave the highest heterosis over mid-(69.86%) and better parent (59.96%) followed by TS 15-72x Kalanag with respec- tive values of 57.14% and 30.69%. The heterosis in yield was due to simultaneous heterosis for a number of yield components. The cross TS 15-72x Til black recorded significant heterosis over both mid-and better parent for grain yield, capsules per plant, branches per plant and plant height. Heterosis over better parent could be used as criterion in future breeding programme.

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